The maximum amount of the usable sanitation tax credit has been announced: it is equal to the requested tax credit (60% of the eligible expenses incurred in the calendar year 2020) multiplied by the percentage of use of the sanitation tax credit, equal to 15.6423%, obtained from the ratio between the maximum expenditure limit, set by the Relaunch Decree in 200 million euros, and the total amounts requested by taxpayers, equal to 1,278,578,142 euro.
The amount of the credit actually due to each taxpayer can also be consulted in its own tax drawer, accessible from the reserved area of the Inland Revenue website.
Yesterday’s resolution no. 52 of the Inland Revenue established the tax code “6917”, called “CREDIT OF HEALTH TAX AND PURCHASE OF PROTECTION DEVICES – Article 125 of Decree-Law no. 34 of 19 May 2020″, which therefore allows to concretely benefit from the benefit.